The CDCP will ease financial barriers to accessing oral health care for up to nine million eligible Canadian residents. Every Canadian deserves accessible, affordable and essential oral health care.
Canadian Dental Care Plan (Disabilities)
Who is eligible?
Manitoba residents who are profoundly Deaf or speech-impaired, as diagnosed by a medical practitioner specializing in otolaryngology or an audiologist and do not have the costs paid through other provincial or federal programs are eligible.
Manitoba - Health, Seniors and Active Living - Telecommunications Program
A child is eligible for the disability tax credit when a medical practitioner certifies, on Form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate, that the child has a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions, and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) approves the form.
Child Disability Benefit -
Language Deprivation is not OK
The Silent Child | Oscar® Winning Short Film
Early Years: | I Love to Read Month |
February 3: | SY 2nd semester begins |
February 7: | SY Reports sent home |
February 12: | Hot Lunch Program |
February 12: | Holiday Concert |
February 17: | Louis Riel Day - No school |
February 25: | Early Dismissal |
February 26: | Hot Lunch Program |
March 3 & 4: | SY ASL Language Credit Exams |
March 12: | Hot Lunch Program |
March 14: | EY-MY Reports sent home |
March 20: | EY-MY Parent/Teacher interview 4 - 8 |
March 20: | Work Experience Celebration Night |
March 21: | PD Day - No school |
Mar. 24 - 28: | Spirit Week |
Mar. 31 - Apr. 4: | Spring Break - No school |