Manitoba School for the Deaf (MSD)

Early Years

student is asking the teacher a question

MSD offers Early Years programming from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Our school follows the Manitoba curriculum. Our program provides a supportive learning environment and active educational experiences that allow students to achieve success, gain knowledge, and develop as global citizens. Co-teaching and cross-groupings are done according to subject and skill level. The individual needs of our diverse learners are met by providing innovative and differentiated instruction.

Early years students listen attentively to a teacher

Through our unique bimodal/bilingual program, students are provided with access to instruction through spoken language and American Sign Language, depending on their individual needs. Our program places a clear emphasis on the language development of our students through field trips, additional language programming, and enriched options classes. During options classes, students have the opportunity to explore drumming, robotics, yoga, computer, American Sign Language and more. We consistently provide a state-of-the-art approach to language and learning that meets the needs of our diverse Early Years population.

  • MSD Calendar
  • MSD Parents Calendar Open PDF Document
  • MSD Handbook Open PDF Document
  • Mission Statement Open PDF Document
  • Educational Resources
  • Educational Research Open PDF Document
  • Links
  • Forms

  • Upcoming Events
  • Early Years: I Love to Read Month
    February 3: SY 2nd semester begins
    February 7: SY Reports sent home
    February 12: Hot Lunch Program
    February 12: Holiday Concert
    February 17: Louis Riel Day - No school
    February 25: Early Dismissal
    February 26: Hot Lunch Program
    March 3 & 4: SY ASL Language Credit Exams
    March 12: Hot Lunch Program
    March 14: EY-MY Reports sent home
    March 20: EY-MY Parent/Teacher interview 4 - 8
    March 20: Work Experience Celebration Night
    March 21: PD Day - No school
    Mar. 24 - 28: Spirit Week
    Mar. 31 - Apr. 4: Spring Break - No school